Immigration Bill To Be Resurrected by US House of Representatives

An immigration bill that would help a number of Central American children who cross the Mexican border into the United States each year has been killed in the US Senate.

Republicans and Democrats, of course, disapproved of the bill for various reasons. Republicans wanted to pass strict measures that would increase border security in the wake of illegal immigration. Republicans only want to give $659 million to the effort, which is significantly less than the $3.7 billion Obama wants for the bill. Republicans have been forced by members of their party to increase border security in the bill and add a number of policy changes which will likely make it easier for Central American children to be deported.

While Republican House Representatives find themselves having to integrate stricter security measures to pass the bill with their more politically conservative party members, House Democrats have said that they will not support the Immigration Bill because it views illegal immigration as a security problem and not a humanitarian one: “This is not a border security crisis. This is a humanitarian crisis. We don’t need to deploy the National Guard or surge our border capacity, because we are not failing to catch individuals as they cross, in fact these young people are turning themselves in,” said House Democrat David Price.

House Republicans and Democrats disagreed on the nature of the Immigration Bill the first time, and killed it. However, they’ll have another chance today to decide on the Immigration Bill and get it passed – but, if it goes through, it’ll be four weeks behind the timeframe that President Barack Obama set for it.


About the author

Nitin Agarwal

Nitin has a background in Electrical Engineering and is passionate about the Internet of Things. He covers how connected devices like smart homes, wearables, and industrial IoT are changing our daily lives. Nitin is also a DIY enthusiast and loves to build IoT gadgets.