Instagram scores 300 million monthly verified users

The growth has been really amazing; within just nine months of announcing that it has reached 200 million users, the online photo and video sharing platform Instagram has said that it now has over 300 million monthly users. Around 70% of these users are based in places outside the US. This automatically makes Instagram bigger than the micro blogging site Twitter officially; according to statistics presented six weeks back, Twitter has 284 million active monthly users.

Instagram has continuously seen success in the past four years. There were of course some who feared that the photo sharing platform’s acquisition by Facebook will affect its popularity, but the popularity of the service only increased. As many as 70 million photos get shared through Instagram every day. Kevin Systrom, the CEO of Instagram, said that in the last four years the service has grown from a dream of two friends to a real global community.


As it is experiencing steady growth, Instagram will now be concentrating primarily on strengthening its authenticity. It is planning on launching verified badges (like we see on Twitter and Facebook) for athletes, brands and celebrities; this will ensure that people don’t end up following look-alike, tribute and parody accounts accidentally.

Twitter used the same tactic, and it helped it boost confidence of users. May 2013 saw Facebook introducing the same feature. Badges on Instagram will definitely be coveted by users who are trying hard to increase the number of followers on their account.

Instagram has even changed its policy of handling spammers slightly. Earlier it used to only deactivate fake accounts and spammers; but, now it has decided to delete them fully. What this means is that those accounts will no more be a part of your follower count; so, there’s nothing to worry about if you suddenly see your follower count dropping a bit. Here, it must be noted that Instagram has not counted any fake account and spammer in its newly revealed statistics of 300 million users.

Considering the fact that Twitter managed to have only 38 million new users since March, 2014, while the number is over 100 million for Instagram during the same phase, one can only expect to see the gap increasing even further if things remain steady.

About the author

Nitin Agarwal

Nitin has a background in Electrical Engineering and is passionate about the Internet of Things. He covers how connected devices like smart homes, wearables, and industrial IoT are changing our daily lives. Nitin is also a DIY enthusiast and loves to build IoT gadgets.