IVF with fresh eggs is more successful than old frozen eggs, Study

Today, many women are delaying motherhood by opting for cryopreservation. For those who don’t know: Cryopreservation is a process in which whole tissues, cells or any other substance at risk of being damaged by chemicals or time get preserved in sub-zero temperatures. Women looking to delay motherhood use this process for preserving their eggs.

To date, this process of preserving eggs was believed to be a safe option. However, now findings of a new study are suggesting that freezing eggs might decrease a woman’s chances of becoming a mother.

These days, we often see fertility experts recommending cryopreservation to women who don’t want to become mothers early in their life. The main reason behind this recommendation is: younger eggs are known for being much healthier than the eggs produced by older women.


Top companies such as Google and Apple even bear the expenses of cryopreservation for their female employees. These multinational corporations do so to allow female employees move ahead and achieve their career goals without worrying about motherhood. Usually, the cost of preserving eggs through cryopreservation ranges between £3,500 and £5,000.

The new study is suggesting that thawing or freezing of eggs might end up damaging them and can reduce a woman’s chances of giving birth. US researchers representing the Center for Human Reproduction in New York examined the IVF cycles of 93% of all donors in the country in 2013. The related data was collected from eight fertility clinics.

During the study, the researchers came to know that women had a 56% chance of giving birth when IVF involved the use of fresh eggs. On the other hand, the chance of giving birth was just 47% for women using frozen eggs for IVF.


Researchers conducting the study have said that these findings must be treated cautiously. They are suggesting so because according to them, they couldn’t adjust for the mother’s age, and diagnosis of her infertility as all facts and figures offered by the clinics were kept anonymous. Unavailability of information like the age of mothers and the factors causing infertility makes further research on the subject an absolute necessity.

However, these experts haven’t shied away from concluding that women must be informed that freezing eggs might reduce their chances of becoming a mother.


About the author

Nitin Agarwal

Nitin has a background in Electrical Engineering and is passionate about the Internet of Things. He covers how connected devices like smart homes, wearables, and industrial IoT are changing our daily lives. Nitin is also a DIY enthusiast and loves to build IoT gadgets.