Jamaat-ul-Ahrar Strikes in Pakistan: Kills 70 Christians on Easter

The vicious face of terror has shown its fury once again in Pakistan as more than 70 people got killed in a bomb blast at Lahore on March 27, 2016. The blast occurred in a park filled with Christian families who were celebrating Easter., a Taliban affiliated Terror group has taken the responsibility of this attack.

Ahsanullah Ahsan, spokesman for the militant group stated that they have deliberately targeted Christians, and such attacks will follow in the future as well.

As per credible reports, more than 300 people are being admitted in various hospitals in Lahore.A Government Official in Lahore told that the death toll may even rise, as most of the injured ones in serious condition.

The most hurting fact is that kids and women are the majority among people who got killed. Police officials believe that the explosion is caused due to suicide bombing, and investigations are ongoing.

The White House has condemned the attacks which shook the whole Christian community in the world. Ned Price, National Security Council Spokesperson conveyed the United States’ deepest condolences to the family members of the deceased. He also added that the country stands with Pakistan at this difficult moment.

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Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi called up Pakistan PM Nawas Sharif and asked to nab the master brains behind this attack at the earliest.

Vatican said that once again coward terrorists have targeted defenseless innocent people. The statement from Vatican also added that the attack has created a shadow of sadness and anguish on the feast of the Easter.

Pakistan is a Muslim nation, but it has a Christian population of more than 2 million. As per various Intelligence agencies, Terrorist organizations in Asian Sub Continent are trying hard to trigger some blood shedding attacks in India and neighboring countries.

Ideologies built by shedding blood will not last long, and this is something terrorist organizations should keep printed in their mind.

About the author

Elijah Lucas

Elijah is a tech enthusiast with a focus on emerging technologies like AI and machine learning. He has a Ph.D. in Computer Science and has authored several research papers in the field. Elijah is the go-to person for anything complex and techy, and he enjoys breaking down complicated topics for our readers. When he's not writing, he's probably tinkering with his home automation setup.