Mario Kart Tour Crosses the Finish Line: An Era Ends

In a surprising turn of events, Nintendo has announced that its popular mobile game, Mario Kart Tour, will no longer receive new content updates starting October 4th. The game, which debuted in September 2019, has been a favorite among mobile gamers, offering fast-paced races and a plethora of characters from the Super Mario universe. The news has left fans speculating about the future of the franchise and whether this marks the beginning of a new Mario Kart installment.

The Final Lap

Since its launch, Mario Kart Tour has been a significant player in the mobile gaming arena. It offered a massive roster of characters, even more than its console counterpart, Mario Kart 8. However, the game was not without its controversies. Many players criticized its gacha mechanics, which they felt were too money-driven. Despite this, the game boasted an extensive amount of content that kept players engaged.

Nintendo made the announcement through the Mario Kart Tour app, stating that new content distribution would cease as of October 4th. The reasons for this decision remain unclear, but online speculation suggests that this could be a hint at the development of Mario Kart 9.

What’s Next?

While fans eagerly await the possible debut of Mario Kart 9, there is something to look forward to in the meantime. Mario Kart Tour will host its final event, the Anniversary Tour, which kicks off on September 20th. This event could serve as a fitting farewell to a game that has entertained millions worldwide.

Key Takeaways

  • Mario Kart Tour will no longer receive new content updates starting October 4th.
  • The game has been a mobile gaming favorite since its debut in September 2019.
  • Speculation is rife that this could be a precursor to the development of Mario Kart 9.
  • The final event, the Anniversary Tour, will start on September 20th.


As the saying goes, all good things must come to an end. Mario Kart Tour is no exception. While the reasons for its sunset remain a mystery, the game leaves behind a legacy of fast-paced racing and a massive roster of beloved characters. Whether this is a pit stop before the next big race or the end of the road, only time will tell.

About the author

William Smith

William S. is a financial analyst with a focus on blockchain technology. He covers its applications beyond cryptocurrencies, such as smart contracts and decentralized finance. William is also an avid investor and enjoys analyzing market trends.