Skype received an official app update from Microsoft this week. On Wednesday, Microsoft rolled out an update for its Skype iOS app, which optimized the application for those using the larger screened versions of the phones.
The end result? Users will now see more of their conversations, particularly, more of their recent conversations with the update. When you’re chatting, you’ll also see more of the conversation that you’re in, in addition to seeing more recent participants in your chat box.
The idea behind it is relatively simple. The premise is that conversation can happen more smoothly, and quickly if more of the conversation is shown to the user. A larger screen starts to make conversation more optimized, and simple on the larger devices. However, the optimization ensures that customers using all sizes of iOS devices will get the same, unique, and best experience possible.
Whether you’re using an iPhone 4, or the newest iPhone 6 or 6 Plus, the screen will make sense on your device – and that’s something many users are concerned about on a regular basis. They don’t want to feel alienated by app designers for not having the newest and largest devices, but those with the larger devices obviously want an experience that’s going to allow them to take advantage of the greater size they have in their hardware.
Other small adjustments were needed to improve the apps overall performance on iOS. The newest update will allow sounds to actually be disabled when the phone is in “Do Not Disturb” mode. Also, you’ll be given an email style option that will allow you to mark conversations as read, or unread – depending on your ability to get to messages at varying times. Really the app is taking a more business savvy approach to skype communication. Also, the app will notify you if an individual is online or not, as it always has, but will also let you know what time it is in their time zone compared to your time.
This comes right after the company released Qik, which is a Snapchat styled app that allows users to send quick video snippets in form of messages to embrace flowing video conversation. To download the latest version you must be running at least iOS 7 on your phone.