Navigating the IRS Guidelines for Writing Off Your Car for Business Use

As a small business owner, you may need a car to drive customers and clients to meetings, attend appointments, or run other work-related errands. Fortunately, the IRS allows car expenses to be written off on your tax returns as business deductions.

The actual expense method or the standard mileage rate are two ways to write off car expenses for the business. Choose the one that works best for you, and keep a detailed log of all your business miles.

Definition of a Business

A business is an establishment aiming to profit from producing or selling goods or services. It can be for-profit or non-profit.

Businesses come in all sizes and types, from small sole proprietorships to large international corporations. They all share one thing: they want to earn profits, a core component of any successful enterprise.

The monetary motive is the central component of a business, and it drives everything else that happens within that establishment. Profits may be in cash, securities, or a barter-style trade of one good for another.

There are three main types of businesses: retail, manufacturing, and service. In each case, the seller offers products and intangible goods.

In retail, goods are sold to consumers or other businesses. Some examples of retailers include restaurants, supermarkets, clothing stores, and department stores.

Some businesses offer services in addition to products, such as legal advice firms and consultancy agencies. These businesses are called service providers and can include anything from courier services to transport companies.

In manufacturing, the producer uses raw materials and machinery to create a product sold directly to consumers or a retailer, who distributes the product to them. 

Navigating the IRS Guidelines for Writing Off Your Car for Business Use

Determining the Percentage of Business Use

Whether you drive for business or personal reasons, it’s essential to understand how to determine the percentage of your vehicle your business needs

. Using this information will help you save money on your taxes and avoid penalties or audits by the IRS.

The IRS has two methods for calculating your car’s percentage of business use: the standard mileage rate method and actual vehicle expense tracking. Both ways require tracking your car’s expenses. The standard mileage rate is more convenient through an app.  The app can offer a fantastic way for them to track their miles. It functions similarly to a GPS tracker and records the miles the user has driven their automobile in a particular area. It is also possible to connect the app to a phone for convenience.

For example, a self-employed person who works at his workshop and frequent trips to various customer homes might estimate he spends 70% of his time driving for work. He would then multiply the total amount of his vehicle’s expenses by that percentage to determine his business-use percentage.

This calculation is much less complicated than a mileage log but requires notes and records to support your claim. This method can result in more significant tax breaks for some drivers but not all.

If you’re self-employed with a car you use for personal and business purposes, consider claiming it as a tax write-off. This will allow you to deduct your vehicle expenses, including parking fees, gas, oil changes, repairs, etc. However, you should always keep a record of your vehicle’s expenses to ensure that you can prove your business use.

Navigating the IRS Guidelines for Writing Off Your Car for Business Use

Determining the Percentage of Personal Use

When you own your business, writing off your car for business use is one of the significant tax deductions you can take. It can reduce your income taxes and self-employment tax).

The IRS guidelines for writing off your car for business use vary depending on whether you own or lease your vehicle. If you own the car, you can choose between the standard mileage rate and actual expense methods to calculate your deduction.

For example, self-employed handyman drives between his workshop and various customer homes where he makes repairs. He also frequently travels to the hardware store to purchase tools and other equipment he uses.

As a result, he has approximately 50% of his miles in his car for business use. He can claim.

Regardless of which method you choose to calculate your deduction, keeping detailed records of your vehicle is essential. This can include mileage logs, bills, receipts, and more. A detailed description can help you defend your claim in case of an audit.

Navigating the IRS Guidelines for Writing Off Your Car for Business Use

Determining the Percentage of Business Mileage

If you use your car for business, you may be eligible to write off some vehicle expenses. This could mean a significant tax break, but you must be sure you’re eligible.

The IRS considers the percentage of your car’s business mileage as an essential factor in determining how much of your car’s expenses can be written off. You can calculate your deduction using the standard mileage rate or the actual expense method.

When using the standard mileage rate, you multiply the miles you drive for business by the standard mileage rate to get your deduction. The average mileage rate changes annually, so check the IRS website for the current rate.

You can also claim the cost of parking and tolls for business trips. This is more complex but can help you save money in the long run.

Whether you choose the expense method or the standard mileage rate, you must keep records that back up your deduction claim. This includes a daily log of your miles and the purpose of your trip.

Navigating the IRS Guidelines for Writing Off Your Car for Business Use

It would help if you also considered whether you’re driving between locations, such as from your home to a client’s office. These trips can be deducted under the business mileage rate, but not if you make a personal use trip between rides.

About the author

Anand Narayanaswamy

Anand is a seasoned journalist with over 15 years of experience in technology reporting. He holds a Master's degree in Computer Science and has worked with several leading tech publications. Anand oversees the editorial direction of The Hoops News, ensuring that the content meets the highest standards of journalism. In his free time, he enjoys reading about quantum computing and playing chess.