NBA expands baseline areas for added safety

The NBA has issued a new regulation to provide more safety for players and photographers situated by the baselines. The new regulation adds an extra foot of open space on both sides of the basket stanchion, something that league officials claim was under discussion even prior to the freakish accident the Indiana Pacer Paul George incurred.

“The conversations about this topic preceded Paul’s injury by several years,” Thorn said. “As a matter of fact, at our league meetings in July we informed our teams this was the direction we were going. But, of course, when an injury occurs like the one to Paul, it reaffirms the changes we have made and the need to continue to evaluate our policies.”

George fell awkwardly a few months back while trying to defend Houston Rocket’s James Harden in a Team USA scrimmage in Las Vegas. The Pacer star landed unevenly, breaking his right leg that seemed somewhat similar to what fellow NBA player Shaun Livingston and Louisville guard Kevin Ware had suffered. The setback not only counted George out of the USA squad but will likewise keep him out for the coming NBA season.

From a previous total of 24 cameras last season, only 20 camera position will be allowed for the coming season. The unoccupied area on either side of the stanchion to the closest photographer spot will increase from 3 to 4 feet.

The NBA is no stranger to seeing players jump and tumble during matches, something which is expected to increase with the roster of high flying players who aim to give the viewing public an aerial display once plays permit.

Additionally, this could be a good move as well to safeguard the photographers as well, most of which have become victims as well of falling players during games. The NBA did try to experiment in limiting the spots where photographers could place themselves during the 2013-14 playoffs but now, those baseline safety adjustments will be made permanent to ensure more safety for players.


About the author

Nitin Agarwal

Nitin has a background in Electrical Engineering and is passionate about the Internet of Things. He covers how connected devices like smart homes, wearables, and industrial IoT are changing our daily lives. Nitin is also a DIY enthusiast and loves to build IoT gadgets.