New Android Wear smartwatch seeks funding

Google has always taken a very swift, direct, and polar-opposite approach than Apple to handling its software and licensing options.
That’s to say, they pretty much put all creative authority in the hands of – whoever wants to use Google’s mobile operating system, Android.

And to their credit, it has worked nearly flawlessly. Anyone can download the open source code, and build whatever you’d like with it. Google’s major partners are the ones we often hear about coming out with flashy, new, and exciting products, but now and then, a small startup, or company that you’ve never heard of, will come along and take the tech world by storm.

Now, bring a group into the picture that has experience with Android Wear smartwatches, and was actually one of the first non-major partner to produce an Android Wear smartwatch.

They’re back at it again, and they’re taking pre-orders on Indiegogo to enter production, as soon as December.

It’s called the Com1, and it will be a major intrigue to the market – if it makes it that far.

The specs are impressive, but the price tag is even more impressive. The screen will be a 320 x 320 AMOLED display, and it will have GPS, as well as a heart rate sensor – in addition to the gyroscopic sensor. It’ll be powered by a 400mAh battery and will all be in a nice, neat waterproof casing. A Qualcomm Snapdragon 400 chip – which is found in most Android wearables, will be available in this product as well.

The battery is toted to last 2 days, and the casings will come in aluminum or stainless steel, conflicting reports are still out.

If you jump in on the action early, you can expect to pay $125 for the device, and $175 if you wait. Definitely would be beneficial to jump in as early as possible, but even at $175 this smart watch is a value that we simply don’t see on the market.

As time goes on, and December draws closer this will be an item to watch more carefully, because it could have a major impact on the market if it’s successful. A smart watch that is affordable, and operates really well might not just be a game changer – it might be a game ender for certain competing companies.

This isn’t the first device that would be born from donations, either. It’s worth noting that Pebble did the same thing, and actually initiated the smart watch boom when they raised over $1 million on Kickstarter.

About the author

Nitin Agarwal

Nitin has a background in Electrical Engineering and is passionate about the Internet of Things. He covers how connected devices like smart homes, wearables, and industrial IoT are changing our daily lives. Nitin is also a DIY enthusiast and loves to build IoT gadgets.