NFL cracks whip on domestic violence cases

After getting a lot of criticism on a recently made decision concerning domestic violence, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell has amended their policy with regards to the matter, heftier and hopefully something that would make the league and its players more aware of the repercussions of being involved in domestic violence issues.

Apparently the move was made after the league drew criticism from a recent case which involved Baltimore Ravens Ray Rice. Rice knocked off his fiancée in a hotel elevator, something that netted the running back a meager two-game suspension which many felt was not sufficient to answer the domestic violence case.

As it stands now, the NFL will be taking the matter more seriously. Under the revised policy, a first offense would automatically mean a six-game ban while a succeeding offense would result in a lifetime ban for the league.

The memorandum was handed to every NFL team owner which incidentally is not limited to players alone. Even NFL employees will be covered by the new policy, a move which Goodell describes as the NFL’s continued sincerity and commitment towards domestic violence cases and its effects on families.

As far as the lifetime ban angle is concerned, players could file for reinstatement although there would be no assurance that such would be granted. Add to that as well of course conditions which could be set forth together with the reinstatement request. To cut it all short, domestic violence is a serious offense so NFL employees and players would do well to try and stay away from being caught in such a fracas from hereon.


About the author

Nitin Agarwal

Nitin has a background in Electrical Engineering and is passionate about the Internet of Things. He covers how connected devices like smart homes, wearables, and industrial IoT are changing our daily lives. Nitin is also a DIY enthusiast and loves to build IoT gadgets.