Privacy concerns shroud new Kill Switch law

Owning a smartphone could become a matter of life or death, especially when you think about the crime spree that many mobile phone users could be victim to. Some have lost their lives while others traumatized from such an incident. Hence, a new mandate called the Kill Switch Law could be a neat way to fend off these occurrences but could a new issue rise from such?

Apparently the new mandate would require smartphone manufacturers to provide anti-theft software for the protection of end-users. And apparently most of them plan to do so at no extra cost, affecting mobile devices manufactured after July, 2015.

Now a new problem could be in the air, consumers of which are adamant since the lingering issue of possible government and hacker abuse could eventually follow suit. And these days, such is a reality, the government of which can at any point block communications and hackers doing their mischief in any which way on innocent mobile phones, especially the folks who are not that advanced as far as applying security measures are concerned.

At this point, everything seems like a debate. What would be more important, a person’s life or their personal data? There have been cases when life has been lost unknowingly, all done by people who find opportunity preying on folks making a simple phone call. Could a Kill Switch Law discourage them from pursuing their mischievous intent?

Theft is something that can lead to loss of life. The case of Megan Boken who was simply chatting with her mom in 2012 is a clear case that there is no telling what could happen just in case thieves find the opportunity to strike. In Boken’s case, she was shot and left lying on the streets of St. Louis, something that has led to stricter laws and of course the Kill Switch mandate. Could the Kill Switch Law address this issue or does it need more amendments to make sure that consumers have nothing more to worry about?

About the author

Nitin Agarwal

Nitin has a background in Electrical Engineering and is passionate about the Internet of Things. He covers how connected devices like smart homes, wearables, and industrial IoT are changing our daily lives. Nitin is also a DIY enthusiast and loves to build IoT gadgets.