Despite progress and technological integration in education, homework is an aspect of schooling that has not been faced out, and most likely it will never be. A quick survey among all students of different grades reveals that homework is the least favorite part of schooling.
Students perceive it to be a burden and stressful undertaking. Experts who criticize homework site the fact that it is merely a way of keeping students busy without necessarily adding any educational value to them. On the other hand, some support homework as a positive influence on a child’s learning curve through repetition and revision of classwork.
Statics show that homework can help children to be industrious and dedicated to their studies. Such kills can be transferable to all areas of their lives. A study conducted in 2017 suggested that homework helps to build problem-solving skills, critical thinking skills, and independent working skills. These are the bestselling skills in the labor market.
Is it ideal to burden children with all these skills at an early age?
Those against a daily a dose of homework after school argue the fact that these hot skills are taught in school during the day, and that evening assignments serve no purpose at all. A study conducted in 2013 by Adam Maltese proved hat homework does little to help students perform well in school, except for standardized tests. This study particularly stressed that science and math skills cannot be improved through homework.
Homework is the one key factor that makes students to shun school. Picture this; after spending about 7 hours at school your child has to grapple with an extra two hours of homework in the evening. After a long day at school, your child would likely be tired and hungry and the only thing they would need is rest. Then again, there is that they should spend bonding with the family, Homework takes all that away from them.
Studies prove that homework can lead to a lack of sleep among school-going children. That, in turn, leads to poor performance in school. But it doesn’t stop there, the power struggles with parents pushing and pressuring children to finish their homework lead to tension in the family which significantly hinders a child’s development.
Short evening study versus homework
There are some unique approaches to the traditional homework that can help your child to achieve positive results. Instead of loading heaps of homework on the children, teachers can choose to encourage evening revision with the help of a parent.
A 30-minute study with a parent every evening has been found to be more effective in helping children master their classwork and other useful skills. The advantage of this form of ‘homework’ is that it enables a child to bond with parents even as they internalize class concepts.
The short time evening study also enables students to pursue other areas of their passion. In so doing, your child gets an all-round development that is not limited to schoolwork. They also get to sleep early and wake up energized and refreshed for a new day of learning.
The bottom line is; instead of laboring your child with 2 hours of homework every evening, spend time with them for a 20 or 30-minute study. This allows them enough time to rest, to bond with family and still remember important class lessons.