Samsung gain regain control of mobile with Galaxy S6

Samsung can gain back some of the damage that has been done by growing iPhone’s and increased competition from less expensive Android smartphones. However, that will not be a simple task, and it will not be one that comes without a major challenge. At the end of the year the company shook up some of its management staff, and in doing so, moving players around might have been part of the spark that Samsung needed. In all, it might have seemed like it was futile, and even now, may seem somewhat ambiguous – with Apple having the most-prolific quarter in business history very recently – but with the Galaxy S6 in the hopper it’s entirely possible.

Samsung’s Galaxy S6 will not be a device that ends up being a total flop, unless there is some level of serious misrepresentation in terms of what is being advertised. At this point, if Samsung even delivered on half of the things that people expect to see out of the Galaxy S6 – then the company would still likely have an incredibly successful device on their hands. However, that likely is not the case. Instead, it’s much more likely that Samsung sees a return to dominance with the release and launch of the Galaxy S6.

Lets not forget that if we’re looking at the picture globally, there isn’t anyone who ships more devices than Samsung. So, to call Samsung a company in fall is definitely somewhat misleading. However, history tells us that with the slow launch and poor results of the Galaxy S5 – and Samsung getting the message about creating real change with their future smartphones – the Galaxy S6 will likely not disappoint. Samsung should also have a host of dedicated users willing to upgrade now that they have survived the Galaxy S5 year.

Samsung tweeted some interesting photos which built even more anticipation for the launch of the Galaxy S6. The hashtag #TheNextGalaxy immediately drew eyes and really began pushing questions forward regarding the incoming smartphone which is slated to be released on March 1st at MWC. An improved display, faster processor, and smaller battery – since the device is also said to be a better performer in terms of battery life – and really the incoming Galaxy S6 could just be the thing that puts Samsung back in the drivers seat and rehabs the name and reputation which seem to be fluttering – in a best case scenario.

About the author

Nitin Agarwal

Nitin has a background in Electrical Engineering and is passionate about the Internet of Things. He covers how connected devices like smart homes, wearables, and industrial IoT are changing our daily lives. Nitin is also a DIY enthusiast and loves to build IoT gadgets.