Soft drink increases heart failure risk: study

Consuming two or more glasses of soda or any other sweetened beverage per day might put men at a greater risk of suffering heart failure. This has been revealed by a new Swedish study. Previous studies have found links between consumption of sugary drinks and a number of heart failure risk factors; examples include obesity, diabetes, high blood sugar, high blood pressure, weight gain and so on.

For confirming the connection between sweetened drinks and heart failure, Susanna Larsson, a researcher representing the Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, and her colleagues monitored a group of around 42,000 men for around 12 years on average. With the aim of assessing their drinking habits, the researchers asked all men in the group to reveal the number of sweetened juices or soft drinks they had per week or per day.

Here, it must be mentioned that during the course of the study, a total of around 3,600 fresh heart failure cases took place among the men followed by the research team.

The researchers found that men who drank over a couple of sweetened beverages per day had 23% higher risk of experiencing heart failure during the course of the study compared to men who didn’t have those drinks.

It’s true that the study couldn’t prove that sugary beverages cause heart failure, but according to Larsson the take-home message offered by this study is that individuals who consume sweetened drinks regularly must consider cutting their consumption.

Another thing that must be kept in mind is that although during this study, researchers only followed a group of men, women must also avoid consuming too much of sugary beverages. Larsson noted that consumption of sweetened beverages has also been linked with abnormal insulin concentration, blood pressure disorders, obesity, type-2 diabetes, etc. in women.

Over 23 million people suffer heart failure around the globe. It’s a health disorder taking place when the heart fails to pump sufficient oxygen and blood throughout the body. The past few years have witnessed an increase in the number of heart failures due to several factors; excessive consumption of sweetened beverages including sodas is surely one of them.

Among the men participating in this new study, around 50% claimed that they don’t drink any sweetened juice or soda. Over 1 in every 6 men, on the other hand, said that they have less than half a serving of such beverages per day. Just around 1 in every 7 men said that they consume at least two glasses of sugary drinks every day.

About the author

Erin Roberts

Erin is a gifted storyteller with a background in English Literature. He is in charge of long-form articles, interviews, and special reports at The Hoops News. Her ability to bring depth and context to stories sets her apart. Erin is also an avid reader and enjoys exploring new cuisines.