Stay safe by improving your online security and prevent hackers

Nowadays, companies continue to invest heavily into securing their websites from cyber-attacks and also to improve online security. You should note that online hackers from various parts of the world have continued to launch numerous cyber-attacks and fetch confidential information. These are becoming a lot more detailed and comprehensive. Hence, they are able to penetrate most firewalls and online security protocols.

Gambling websites such as, one of the most popular casino platforms worldwide known for its large customer pool, and global shopping sites that need no introduction such as and Amazon have been constantly targeted by cybercriminals. These websites have extremely large databases that store plenty of customer information which includes personal and financial records.

The above websites have secured their servers and data with the latest online security protocols. This makes it extremely difficult for hackers to breach their firewalls. According to security experts, the Ashley Madison cyber-attack in 2015 was a classic example of how much devastation cybercriminals can cause when they breach a website’s online security.

The Ashley Madison website attacked

Basically, the Ashley Madison website, which promotes extra-marital affairs was breached by a group of hackers called the Impact Team. The hackers have obtained a massive client list which included names and addresses of a lot of people. This is somewhat similar to a LinkedIn security breach, where hackers obtained plenty of confidential information.

Hackers threatened Ashley Madison website owners

After the security breach, the hackers threatened the founders of Ashley Madison and demanded that the website is shut down for good. Otherwise, they would publish client information which was never supposed to be stored in the first place.

Meanwhile, the hackers stuck to their promise and released two dumps of data. This includes a number of prominent names from the business community, government organizations and sports stars from around the world.

The whole issue not only caused huge embarrassment to Ashley Madison but also caused a lot of pain and suffering from thousands of families all over the globe.

Hackers hired by major online security companies

Recently, few major online security firms in the world have hired exclusive experts, which include top hackers from around the world. This is to study the strategies and bugs they are using to breach online security protocols.

Once the technique of hacking is studied, they will be able to take necessary steps to mitigate these online security breaches. This will make sure that their online security systems are robust enough to withstand attacks from professional hackers.

ATM hacking in Kerala with Wi-Fi camera

Recently, group of people from Romania sneaked into ATM counter of a reputed bank in Trivandrum, Kerala. They have stolen personal PIN details of customers by cleverly placing an invisible Wi-Fi camera inside the ATM counter. Interestingly, none of the alert systems and sensors were in place. This incident shows an urgent need to improve security systems.

The best way to protect your website from a cyber-attack is to make sure that your domain is being hosted by a reputed provider. Moreover, reliable anti-virus software needs to be installed and updated frequently on the server. You should also install anti-virus software on your local system. Otherwise, the virus will spread to your hosting server, which will affect all sites hosted on the server.


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Elijah Lucas

Elijah is a tech enthusiast with a focus on emerging technologies like AI and machine learning. He has a Ph.D. in Computer Science and has authored several research papers in the field. Elijah is the go-to person for anything complex and techy, and he enjoys breaking down complicated topics for our readers. When he's not writing, he's probably tinkering with his home automation setup.