The White House Announces The Introduction Of The Monkeypox Vaccination

The movement to stop the global spread of monkeypox is gaining momentum. According to reports, the virus spreads by close contact with an infected person, but in this current outbreak, sexual contact has been the primary method of transmission. In the United States, cases are uncommon, but this year they are rising.

Epidemiologist Dr. Jill Roberts at USF Health stated that “nearly 4,000 cases have been reported worldwide.”

The Florida Department of Health stated that Pinellas county had the first instance of monkeypox in the Tampa Bay area. The afflicted person is healing at home in seclusion.

What does the Expert Have to Say?

“Monkeypox is, in my opinion, receiving a lot of publicity at the moment, particularly in Florida, because it is Pride month. It’s possible that the circumstances increased the spread of monkeypox a little, “Roberts stated.

According to wtsp, There have been 27 cases reported to the Florida Department of Health thus far, two occurring in Pinellas and Polk counties.

“I believe the vaccines must be made available, but we must remember that they are not even close to being as widely accessible as the COVID-19 vaccines were. The dosage should be given exclusively to those most in danger, “Roberts uttered.

The two-dose JYNNEOS vaccination will be distributed right away in doses of 56,000. However, more testing and the distribution of vaccines are planned.

Due to the high number of cases, Florida should be among the first states to receive the monkeypox vaccination.

Although this outbreak is predominantly affecting men, anyone who comes into close touch with them can contract it. Doctors advise getting the shot for anyone who tests positive or is exposed.


About the author

Subhashree Panda

Subhashree has a Master's in Robotics and is fascinated by artificial intelligence. She covers the latest advancements in AI, machine learning, and robotics. Subhashree is also a robotics hobbyist and enjoys building small robots in her free time.