Twitter partnering Foursquare to streamline Tweets on location data basis

Twitter and Foursquare are partnering up to include location information on each tweet. According to sources, this partnership may start as early as next month and the service may roll out within the first quarter of 2015.

Foursquare has been well-known in the social media industry as the most popular service for sharing location data. Users on Foursquare app could “check-in” to various places including restaurants, hotels, parks, etc. from their phone letting their friends know their location. Some businesses offered special discounts for checking in on Foursquare for a certain number of times.

However, all that has changed with the rise of Facebook, now the biggest social media network on the web. Facebook has adapted a similar feature with a similar name “check-in”, and people on Facebook have been extensively using that ever since.

Twitter to Form Partnership with Foursquare to Include Location Data

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Twitter is already able to tell the location of its user, but it can’t go as detailed as Foursquare or Facebook can. When signing up for Twitter, it can automatically detect the country of a user. However, when posting tweets, it can’t tell exactly which city or which area the user is in. That is something Foursquare excels at; and that’s why Twitter is trying to partner up with them.

Another reason Twitter is interested in including location data with tweets is a research the company is engaged in. Twitter found in its research that when users see their location data included with their Tweets, they are more likely to return to the site within 30 days than those who do not see any location data with their tweets at all. This find has made Twitter all the more interested and serious about adapting a technology that allows them to show location data with each individual tweets.

That’s where Foursquare comes in. The partnership between these two companies will allow Twitter to include location data with tweets and therefore bring back and attract more users on its platform. In recent times, Facebook-owned Instagram has surpassed the total number of users Twitter has. This effort to form a partnership with Foursquare to bring location information to every tweet seems to be the first big effort to win the users back.

The company is also making small but significant changes under the hood to improve user experience such as ability to report abuse and harassment. The reports of harassment, cyberbullying, violence against women and even death threats on Twitter were on the rise during a “Gamergate scandal”. Some journalists in the wake of Gamergate scandal were forced to flee their home after they were sent death threats on Twitter.

All of this contributed to some loss of users on Twitter. The company has made changes to its policies and reporting methods and now working to bring more new features on its platform to fight against some of its biggest rivals including Instagram and Facebook.

For Foursquare, it’s also an opportunity to make a comeback. Although this is just a partnership, not a merger with Twitter; when enabled, people will likely know that the location data is provided by Foursquare. That is somewhat better than people forgetting the name of Foursquare.


About the author

Nitin Agarwal

Nitin has a background in Electrical Engineering and is passionate about the Internet of Things. He covers how connected devices like smart homes, wearables, and industrial IoT are changing our daily lives. Nitin is also a DIY enthusiast and loves to build IoT gadgets.