Twitter soon to have tweets without 140 characters limit

Twitter (NASDAQ: TWTR) is now in rumors to lift off the 140 characters limit and make the micro-blogging website a blogging website or something that aligns with the psychology Facebook. Twitter has always been tinkering with the character limits a user can use on the site. As per the reports of Re/Code, the trademark 140 character limit is soon going to disappear from the Twitter.

There have been no confirmed news about this from the company, however, the Re/Code has mentioned that it is something Twitter has been considering for past few years. Either this or Twitter will bring some changes in the way characters of a tweet are counted. None of them have been confirmed officially but are the reports from the Re/Code.

If we look at the past few events, then we have Twitter revoking the 140 character limit in the direct messages or DMs, and now they are looking forward to lifting off the character boundary of a tweet or at least increase it a little further.

If Twitter brings in above mentioned changes, then it is going to let people fully share their views on a subject, and apparently we will have more space to express our opinion on a particular topic, no more [1/2] and [2/2] tags in the end.

However, if we go back even further, then the changes of Twitter are aligning with the features of the Facebook. Let’s start with the timeline. Except we get to choose the background and color for our profile, Twitter has the same cover photo approach. Soon it was released on the Facebook; Twitter was able to produce it for it’s users as well.

However, there is a significant difference in between the Twitter and Facebook. Both are the social networking websites, but Facebook is more about sharing the content with your friends and family, where Twitter allows you make your voice heard to hundreds and thousands of users.

When it is about sharing photos, Facebook is a preferred choice for the users, however, when the spreading news, people usually head over to the Twitter. We have YouTube for users to have their video channels and Twitter for making the voice heard on the Internet.

Now we also have an option to promote a post on the Twitter, just like the Facebook advertisements.

A lot of things are slowly changing at the Twitter, but it shouldn’t give up on features the micro-blogging website is famous for.

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Erin Roberts

Erin is a gifted storyteller with a background in English Literature. He is in charge of long-form articles, interviews, and special reports at The Hoops News. Her ability to bring depth and context to stories sets her apart. Erin is also an avid reader and enjoys exploring new cuisines.