Victorian era diseases are back in Britain

Tuberculosis and a range other potentially fatal diseases are gradually making a strong comeback in different parts of Britain. Recently obtained numbers suggest that some neighborhoods in London alone have become home to more TB patients than much poorer territories of the world.

Josie Garrett, a 24-year-old British citizen, is currently getting intensive treatment for TB. She is a Masters Degree student, but a year back, she was kept isolated in a hospital. When talking about her disease, Garrett informed that she contracted tuberculosis from her boyfriend, who got infected by a friend of his in southeast London.

That friend, on the other hand, contracted the condition from his father. That friend’s Father was first diagnosed with the condition during the 90s after visiting India. Eventually, the condition reemerged in its drug-resistant form.

Garrett said that since the time she got diagnosed with TB, she is not working, not socializing and not living a normal life.

Tuberculosis is a disease that often goes hand in hand with poverty. Surveys have shown that the condition affects people who are most vulnerable. Health officials, however, are most concerned about the strains of tuberculosis bacteria that lie undetected in different parts of the modern society and have the potential of breaking out in the coming future.

The bacteria responsible for causing TB can infect you and reside in your body for a long duration. The bacteria will reawaken and manifest themselves as an ailment when your immune system doesn’t function properly.

Tuberculosis is rated among the deadliest ailments of the modern era. At one point of time, the disease used to be responsible for the death of 1 in every four people. Today, the situation is definitely not that bad, but certain areas in London have tuberculosis rates much higher than that of countries like Iraq or Rwanda.

A recently conducted study by UK’s National Health Service (NHS) revealed that several other diseases common during the 19th century are also making strong comebacks. Particularly, in recent times, the number of Scarlet fever cases has increased significantly. The previous year has seen as many as 14,000 cases of Scarlet fever diagnosed. This number is the biggest in the last 50 years.


About the author

Ashlyn Fernandes

Ashlyn holds a degree in Journalism and has a background in digital media. She is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the editorial team, coordinating with writers, and ensuring timely publications. Ashlyn's keen eye for detail and organizational skills make her an invaluable asset to the team. She is also a certified yoga instructor and enjoys hiking on weekends.