You can drink water but you can’t prevent Hangover, says study

A new study has concluded that drinking water may not help to prevent hangover; according to the study, the only way we can avoid getting a hangover is by drinking less alcohol.

During the study, researchers asked more than 800 students to share the procedures adopted by them for getting rid of hangover symptoms. Their answers showed that neither water nor food is actually capable of offering any positive effect when it comes to relieving a hangover.

The team conducting the study included researchers from Canada and Netherlands. They surveyed drinking habits of students for finding out whether it is possible to ease hangovers and whether a person can be resistant to them.

Out of the 826 Dutch students surveyed, 54% consumed different food items (which included heavy breakfasts and fatty foods) after drinking alcohol hoping that it would help them in averting a hangover. Two-third of the surveyed group drank water when consuming alcohol with the aim of avoiding a hangover; the same aim forced more than 50% of the students surveyed to drink water before sleeping.

The researchers informed that although people drinking water experienced slight improvement in their condition, no real difference was observed in the severity of the hangover suffered by these students.

A previously conducted study suggests that around 25% drinkers claim that they have never had hangovers. The researchers conducting this new study asked 789 Canadian students about the drinking routine followed by them in the preceding month and also asked them to provide information on the hangovers experienced by them. They found that students who didn’t experience a hangover simply didn’t drink enough alcohol to have a hangover.

The researchers also found that among the students who took part in heavy drinking i.e. those who had a blood alcohol concentration of over 0.2%, almost every one fell prey to hangovers.

The study’s lead researcher Dr. Joris Verster of the Utrecht University said that these findings show that the relationship is quite straightforward, the more one drinks, the more likely he or she is to experience a hangover.

According to Verster, drinking water can help in eliminating hangover symptoms such as dry mouth and thirst, but doesn’t do anything to more serious symptoms such as nausea, headache and depression.

About the author

James Oliver

James is a tech-savvy journalist who specializes in consumer electronics. He holds a degree in Electrical Engineering and has a knack for dissecting gadgets to their core. Whether it's smartphones, wearables, or smart home devices, James has got it covered. In his free time, he enjoys mountain biking.