Apple never sells an iPhone for $1, still kicked Samsung, Android in stores

Apple iOS users spent roughly 25% more than their Android counterparts this Thanksgiving and Black Friday according to IBM. On Thanksgiving alone, iOS shoppers – who made their purchases on their mobile iOS device – spent over $118 per transaction. Android users on the other hand spent just over $95 per transaction in the same period.

The director of IBM Smarter Commerce noted that “iPhone and iPad buyers tend to be slightly more affluent and more comfortable with technology,” and while many thought the remarks showed favoritism toward the brand the facts are that regardless what you take from the numbers – they’re present and really show a shift in consumer tendencies.


This Black Friday though saw some great discounts on high-quality Android products – specifically the Samsung Galaxy S5 seeing it’s two-year contract price fall to $1 while the Galaxy Note 4 fell to $199 with a two-year agreement. Why doesn’t Apple drop their prices down that low, and do anything that enticing for their customers? It’s a common question, and while Apple has never come out and plainly said why they don’t do that, the answer is likely due to the company’s desire to remain at the top-end of the spectrum. Apple has widely been regarded as a high-end device manufacturer – as was evident with the launch and subsequent failure of the iPhone 5c – which promised to be a device that wouldn’t cost as much – but would still bring all of the appealing features Apple iOS users had grown to love.

The bottom line is that Apple is much more comfortable, and much more secure in their space. While the mobile space is constantly moving, Samsung has had a bad year. Now, as the company works through potential replacements for one of the company’s co-CEO. Specifically, the speculation has surrounded J.K. Shin, who has been overseeing the mobile operation to this point.

It’s been a long road for Samsung in 2014 after the company saw their sales numbers shrink significantly after the record-breaking launch of the Galaxy S4. The Galaxy S5 which launched in the spring struggled mightily to compete with any of Apple’s devices – even being beaten in sales by the iPhone 5s at points in the middle of the year. By the time the launch of the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus came around, Apple had so harshly wrapped up the competition that the company ran laps around Samsung by the time a month had passed from the launch in September.

Apple outperformed Samsung on Black Friday even with the great deals that Samsung was offering – and it would appear as though the company is poised to handle the competition again at the end of the weekend on Cyber Monday – when Apple will undoubtedly see a ton of sales online this year.

About the author

Nitin Agarwal

Nitin has a background in Electrical Engineering and is passionate about the Internet of Things. He covers how connected devices like smart homes, wearables, and industrial IoT are changing our daily lives. Nitin is also a DIY enthusiast and loves to build IoT gadgets.

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  • The director of IBM Smarter Commerce noted that “iPhone and iPad buyers tend to be slightly more affluent and more comfortable with technology,”

    Spoken like an apple fan-boy. As someone who has supported the Both android and IPhone’s in an enterprise environment I find that the Director here is partially correct.

    1. “iPhone and iPad buyers tend to be slightly more affluent” Yep that is correct because for years the IPhone was a status symbol.
    2. “more comfortable with technology” I disagree they are not more comfortable with technology, The reason that I have found most affluent people own IPhones is well simply put they are older, have more money and do not embrace change or technology all that well. They like things that are simple and that work. The iPhone fits this bill perfectly.

    The android platform requires people to be far more comfortable with technology and change than the uniform Apple IOS requires. I have found that most younger people are far better at adaptive technology and love the freedom that the android platform gives them.

    The Director obviously owns an IPhone and I would bet be is an older gentleman, at least in his late forties.

    All this being said I myself carry and IPhone…Why? because I am an OLD I.T. guy that just wants something to do what it was designed to do simply.