California is sitting behind the 8-ball when it comes to fracking. The state is now under the gun, as a newly concluded study shows just how much of an impact fracking has had on the state, as well as how mismanaged the negative side-effects of fracking have been to this point. It is something that has happened for years out there, and while the practice might be commonplace in California, other states have jumped in to put a stop to the fracking.
New York State recently passed legislation that shut down fracking within the limits of the state, and put an end to a significantly timed out battle, which took place out on the front lines where this fracking was potentially going to be taking place – as well as in courtrooms. The battle is something that many have considered to be amongst the most challenging economic and environmental battles to have ever taken place in the state.
California could learn a thing or two from New York when it comes to fracking, though. When it comes to how fracking has been fought in the state there haven’t been any swift pieces of legislation that would roll back fracking, or perhaps even stop it altogether. For New Yorker’s, fracking was something that was going to take a serious toll on the overall way of life in the state, as the negative side-effects would have completely derailed some of the most important industries in the state.
However, Jane Long, who authored the study that revealed just how unsafe these fracking practices were said in part that, “We found practices that we do not think are inherently safe that we think should be made safer.” While the author of a non-biased study can only be so persuasive in their language – this is where the politicians need to step in an use forceful language to start rolling back fracking.
The report pointed out that, “Although air and water quality studies suggest public health hazards exist, many data gaps remain.” Ultimately, this is something that – if it is going to continue – will need to continue in a significantly different way than is currently. If there isn’t a change at the legislative level, or at the execution level – then a serious problem for California may exist in the next few years. At this point, the state is only an ever-present moment away from a catastrophic disaster.
Should California start to move in a direction where fracking is put on the back burner, there will undoubtedly be friction from large fracking corporations, to those who are employed within the fracking industry. However, this is something that should be taken seriously today, and dealt with today, rather than continue putting it off for tomorrows politicians to deal with – at the expense of an entire state, which is already fighting a water crisis.
what kind of silly sign is that? My gardener would frack in a minute since the pay is really good.