Great Britain – Dr. Oz might be giving bogus medical advice, according to a recent study. The daytime talk show host who has won over ratings, and viewers since 2009 when his show “Dr. Oz” debuted in the United States. The daytime talk show is syndicated, and carries well with viewers – mainly due to the lack of medically geared talk shows on television. However, a new medical study has pegged Dr. Mehmet Oz, and those on a medical daytime talk show called “The Doctors” as being a bad place to get medical advice from.
Dr. Oz has a certain appeal that many viewers find relaxing, and understanding. The content that he brings is easy to understand, with his methods of explaining – and most-importantly the content is brought to viewers in an easy to digest way. The ratings are exceptional for both shows. Dr. Oz brings in an average of 2.9 million viewers a day, while the daytime talk show called, “The Doctors” pulls in over 2 million viewers daily as well. Dr. Oz also ranks in the top five amongst daytime talk shows on American television anyway.
However, the major question that this study wanted to answer was: How much of what Dr. Oz sells is sound medical advice – and how much of his show should be absorbed as entertainment?
Dr. Oz has been in the spotlight for a couple of years now. Over the summer he was brought in front of Congress to answer questions, and where Senator Claire McCaskill, democrat of Missouri called his show a “recipe for disaster.” Earlier this fall a study was released that contradicted his assertions that a coffee bean weight-loss pill was the magic bullet for weight loss.
The British Medical Journal was who published the study that found his work to be incredibly misleading. The study pointed out that “recommendations made on medical talk shows often lack adequate information on specific benefits or the magnitude of the effects of these benefits.” The study went on to point out that everyone who takes that advice should be incredibly skeptical to start out.
The study went on to point out that out of 479 medical recommendations that were made on his show, just 46% of those recommendations had sustained and fact-based support. Meanwhile, 39% of the recommendations couldn’t be supported at all – and an alarming 15% of his medical recommendations were contradicted by hard-data. However, those executing the study even conceded that entertaining all of the facts is difficult because many of the claims that are made on his show, and others aren’t directly said – but rather implied, allowing the viewer to ultimately decide if they believe it.
Dr. Oz contends though that “much of medicine is just plain old logic.” He even went on to point out that his mission is different than a doctor at a hospital treating patients. Oz said, “So I am out there trying to persuade people to be patients. And that often means telling them what the establishment doesn’t want to hear: that their answers are not the only answers, and their medicine is not the only medicine.”
Mega-billion dollar corporations hiring ultra-rich doctor/TV personalities to feed the idiotic masses a line of B.S. so the idiots buy more crap they don’t need in order to line pockets of corporate CEO’s… This is “news”?