Facebook Reintroduces the Poke Feature

Facebook Reintroduces the Poke Feature
Facebook brings back the iconic Poke feature with new updates and additional greetings options like winks and high-fives, appealing to both long-time users and a younger audience.

In a move that nods to nostalgia while embracing the future, Facebook has resurrected its iconic Poke feature, a decision that has sparked interest and speculation across the social media landscape. The Poke feature, once a staple of early Facebook interactions, has been largely out of sight in recent years. However, Meta, Facebook’s parent company, has decided to bring it back to the forefront, integrating it with a series of updates and new functionalities aimed at both old users and a younger generation.

Key Highlights:

  • The Poke feature, initially hidden, has made a comeback with increased visibility and new functionalities.
  • Meta reports a 13-fold increase in Poke usage following a design tweak that made the Poke button more accessible.
  • The reintroduction targets a younger audience, with over 50% of new Pokes initiated by users aged 18 to 29.
  • Facebook is expanding the feature set with additional greetings options, such as winks, high-fives, hugs, and waves, building on the Poke’s legacy.

The return of the Poke feature is part of a broader strategy by Facebook to engage users with simple, nostalgic interactions in today’s complex social media environment. The decision to revive the Poke, coupled with the introduction of new greetings options, reflects a blend of looking back and moving forward, aiming to enrich user interactions on the platform.

Meta’s decision to reintroduce the Poke feature was spurred by an increase in Poke usage after a design update early in 2024 made the feature more visible. The company tweaked the design to display the Poke button next to any name searched on Facebook, leading to a significant uptick in its usage. Interestingly, over half of the new Pokes have been made by younger users, those between the ages of 18 to 29, suggesting that the feature is attracting a new generation of users who were not around during its initial popularity.

Facebook is not stopping with just bringing back the Poke. It’s also reinventing how users can greet each other on the platform. New greetings options are being introduced, such as sending a wink, a high-five, a hug, and an already existing wave, alongside the traditional Poke. These new features are currently under trial in select markets, including Britain, Thailand, Australia, Canada, Columbia, and France, marking the tenth anniversary of the Poke feature. This expansion suggests that Facebook is keen on diversifying the ways users can interact, offering more nuanced and varied forms of engagement beyond a simple poke.

As social media continues to evolve, Facebook’s move to reintegrate the Poke feature, alongside the introduction of new greetings, could be seen as a blend of nostalgia and innovation. It caters to long-time users’ fond memories while inviting a new generation to partake in a piece of the platform’s history, all the while adding a modern twist. The reintroduction of the Poke and the addition of new greetings options could herald a new phase of engagement on Facebook, blending the old with the new in an attempt to create a richer, more diverse social media experience​.

About the author

Ashlyn Fernandes

Ashlyn holds a degree in Journalism and has a background in digital media. She is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the editorial team, coordinating with writers, and ensuring timely publications. Ashlyn's keen eye for detail and organizational skills make her an invaluable asset to the team. She is also a certified yoga instructor and enjoys hiking on weekends.