Threads Unveils Edit Button: No Subscription Needed

In a recent development, Meta’s CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, announced the introduction of an edit button on Threads, Instagram’s Twitter-like platform. This feature allows users to rectify their posts within a span of five minutes after publishing, eliminating the need to delete and repost for minor corrections.

Key Highlights:

  • Threads introduces an edit button, allowing post modifications within five minutes of posting.
  • Unlike its counterpart, X (formerly known as Twitter), Threads offers this feature without any additional charges.
  • The edit button is accessible both on mobile and web platforms.
  • Threads currently does not display the edit history, raising concerns about transparency and potential misuse.
  • Alongside the edit button, Threads is also launching ‘Voice Threads’ for audio posts.

Threads’ Edit Button: A Game-Changer?

The introduction of the edit button on Threads is a significant move, especially when compared to platforms like X, which introduced a similar feature only last year but kept it behind a paywall. Threads’ decision to provide this feature for free gives it a competitive edge, especially for users who often find themselves making typos or wanting to make slight modifications to their posts.

However, a notable difference between Threads and X is the absence of an ‘edit history’ on Threads. This means that once a post is edited, there’s no record of its original content. Such a feature can be crucial for ensuring transparency and preventing the spread of misinformation. The lack of an edit history could potentially allow users to change the context of a post after it has received significant attention, without any trace of the original content. This has raised concerns among some users about the potential malicious use of the edit button.

Voice Threads: A New Way to Communicate

In addition to the edit button, Zuckerberg also unveiled ‘Voice Threads’. This feature enables users to post voice notes, catering to those who prefer audio communication over text. To post a voice note, users can start a new thread or reply, then tap the microphone icon. The platform will automatically generate a caption for the audio clip, which users can then modify if needed.

Threads vs. X: The Battle Continues

The introduction of these features indicates Threads’ ambition to rival X in the social media space. Recent reports suggest that Threads is gearing up to launch a ‘trends’ feature, aiming to enhance its competitive stance against X. A Threads user recently discovered this upcoming feature in a screenshot inadvertently posted by a Threads employee. Unlike X, Threads’ trending list seems to focus more on the number of discussions rather than categorizing them into topics like news or sports.


Threads, Instagram’s answer to platforms like Twitter, has rolled out an edit button, allowing users to modify their posts shortly after publishing. This feature, unlike some competitors, is available without any subscription fees. Alongside this, Threads is also introducing ‘Voice Threads’ for users who prefer audio posts. However, the absence of an ‘edit history’ has raised concerns about transparency. As Threads continues to introduce new features, it’s evident that the platform is keen on establishing a strong foothold in the social media landscape.

About the author

James Oliver

James is a tech-savvy journalist who specializes in consumer electronics. He holds a degree in Electrical Engineering and has a knack for dissecting gadgets to their core. Whether it's smartphones, wearables, or smart home devices, James has got it covered. In his free time, he enjoys mountain biking.