Facebook unveils publisher tools to take on YouTube

Online video market leader- YouTube will finally be able to see its first daunting rival surfacing before it. Facebook has just announced new tools to assist publishers to publish videos on its site. An announcement to introduce the latest ‘customization and control’ tools was made earlier this week.

The product manager at Facebook, Anaid Gomez-Ortigoza said in a blog post that the team is building tools to help video publishers grow their businesses on Facebook. In addition to this, she wrote about a few enhancements they are making to their video update system and introduction of a new Video Library. While the former will give page owners the option to customize the distributions of videos on Facebook, the latter will be a place to centrally manage videos. The customized distribution options include secret videos and the ability to prohibit embeds on third-party sites. These features are already being offered by YouTube. However, Facebook is trying its best to entice content creators to upload videos on its site directly.

Users can have control over their uploads by restricting the audience of a video by age and gender (in addition to location and language, setting an expiration date and publishing them directly to Videos Tab without a distribution to News Feed or Timeline. Customization features include labeling videos based on categories and adding custom thumbnails to them.

The social media site also pops up a message saying “Consider uploading your video directly to Facebook. People are more likely to view native videos and you’ll be able to track your success in Page Insights.” This message appears when a user copies an external link on to the site from a video site like YouTube. This move by Facebook is being seen as an open challenge to the Google owned video site.

It has not started this activity very recently. The company has been introducing new features since 2013 along with user friendly tools. It has been in talks with content creators to render the video service to its users. It has been offering facilities like tracking of videos and higher impressions with the same motive.


Facebook’s true potential was seen in 2014 when 17 million videos were shared on the site for ALS Ice Bucket challenge. As of now, Fox, NBA and Funny or Die are some of the established content providers that Facebook is working with. It is currently working to share ad revenues with uploaders. However it is also facing some copyright infringement issues currently. The rivalry with YouTube has been intense but the stars have been on Facebook’s side with growth figures showing a huge 38.5% rise compared to that of YouTube which was a mere 4.8% Y-O-Y growth in September 2014.

With around four billion views, the social networking site will offer a huge user base to this new segment it is intending to enter. The updates are going to be rolled out in a few weeks. Although the development does not seem to be very successful in the beginning, over a period of time the site may be able to establish itself as a video sharing site for its users. Not only individuals, but also corporates and music artists are likely to utilize this as a platform to share videos.

About the author

Nitin Agarwal

Nitin has a background in Electrical Engineering and is passionate about the Internet of Things. He covers how connected devices like smart homes, wearables, and industrial IoT are changing our daily lives. Nitin is also a DIY enthusiast and loves to build IoT gadgets.

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