FDA approves flibanserin aka Female Viagra to boost sexual desire in premenopausal women

What FDA scientists are calling ‘Female Viagra’ has finally received the green light that it has been waiting for. To this point, it has been years in the making, and supporters of the drug have suggested for years that there isn’t just a legitimate market for the drug – but also a legitimate need for the drug. However, Flibanserin, or ‘Female Viagra’ as it’s being called by the general consumer doesn’t work the same way traditional Viagra for men works.

The major challenge that Flibanserin ran into while it was going through the difficult process of gaining FDA support, came from the side-effects that the drug would have on users. Originally, testing was very difficult to do on the drug because of the complexity associated with what the drug would treat. On paper, the goal of Flibanserin, or Female Viagra, is to simply increase the sexual drive and desire in women. While the goal of Viagra for men is basically the same thing, experts found most challenge in navigating how that physically manifested itself.

Since tests, studies, and experiments are ultimately what are used to ensure that a drug is safe – Flibanserin was difficult to prove safe. Experts pointed out that for men, it was simply a matter of asking test takers if they got an erection after taking the pill. Meanwhile, for women, a simple measurement like that couldn’t really be made because as many have pointed out – it’s more difficult to measure the success of a pill like this. There aren’t any physical signs that a person could report, as was with the male version of the medication.

Female Viagra

FDA scientists opened up the scope of the study to anyone who had encountered a “satisfying event” while taking Flibanserin. That meant anyone who felt experienced anything ranging from an orgasm, to an increase self-confidence was deemed a success by the merits of the study. This made it significantly easier for the pill to actually receive approval this time, and was something intentional that the research team did to ensure that it would pass for supporters this time around.

However, even some of the FDA members who actually voted to approve this drug remain worried about the side-effects, in combination with the small number of “actual” successes. While conducting the research, the FDA found that just a little over 50% of the recipients of the drug felt a “satisfying experience.” Meanwhile, more than 30% of recipients of the placebo also felt a “satisfying experience.” One of the big side-effects is dizziness, which can come in extreme fashion, the FDA warns.


Testimonials about the hypathetical drug have been seemingly endless. One person said of a potential Female Viagra that, “I love my husband. I used to crave making love with him. But now I feel nothing. I wish I could reclaim my sexual desire and sexual pleasure.” At the end of the day, that’s what this drug is about. It’s about making sexual experiences better for women, in those who have dealt with challenging circumstances with regards to their sex life.

Terry O’Neill, the President of the National Organization for Women pointed out that, “I think it’s a major step forward in better understanding of women’s sexuality and better understanding of women being able to take control of their own sexuality in a healthy way.” She went on to point out that, ultimately this is simply a method to help the brain achieve a better sexual experience, instead of simply dealing with the physical side of sex for women.

About the author

Nitin Agarwal

Nitin has a background in Electrical Engineering and is passionate about the Internet of Things. He covers how connected devices like smart homes, wearables, and industrial IoT are changing our daily lives. Nitin is also a DIY enthusiast and loves to build IoT gadgets.

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