Global warming is about to cause spike in temperature

Global warming has consistently been one of the most-challenged and polarizing concepts in the scientific or political landscape over the course of the last several years. While some deny the existence of a human-impacted climate change – others argue that there is no evidence that supports the notion that a human could have had an impact on our overall climate. That being said though, the argument has gotten significantly harder to make for scientists and political figures who believe global warming is a thing of fiction thanks to new data which was release this week.

This week two major populations released papers which documented just how severely the temperature is actually about to spike here on Earth. The studies utilized surface temperatures and temperature cycles of the oceans – specifically the Pacific Ocean – and found that the two correlate directly. As it turns out pattern looks vaguely as though the temperature of the Earth follows the trend and pattern of the oceans around Earth. This information reveals the connection that exists when it comes to temperature on Earth, and how we as humans are in for a serious warm up.

That being said though the real debate is around whether this will be the wake up call that the majority of the science community has said we’ve needed for years. We’re expelling greenhouse gases at a rate that really isn’t tollerable for Earth to sustain itself at this pace, and at the end of the day how we act in the coming years could have grave impacts on the overall health of Earth in generations to come. The study now though that ocean oscillation does in fact have an impact on this conversation – will generate future studies that will hopefully support the findings and prevent major catastrophes. That being said though, this comes shortly after scientists and meteorologists have said that there is a significant dry spell that is coming for the western portions of the United States – that pales in comparison to the dry spell that is currently being experience.

The climate is changing in a severe way and at the end of the day it’s important to see the changes, and work through them – rather than ignoring them. Scientists and activists alike are suggesting that this will be the opportunity that we have to stop this before the situation gets worse.

About the author

Nitin Agarwal

Nitin has a background in Electrical Engineering and is passionate about the Internet of Things. He covers how connected devices like smart homes, wearables, and industrial IoT are changing our daily lives. Nitin is also a DIY enthusiast and loves to build IoT gadgets.


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  • “a spike in temperature” —after several monster winters I hope its a hell of a spike

  • Global warming is about to cause spike in temperature?

    For sure it is. And it shall be called “Spring”, followed by “Summer.” and so it was.

    Except in the Southern Hemisphere, where “Global “Cooling” is about to begin.

  • Poll shift of 33 degrees has taken place and now we see Western U.S., Canada and Alaska all much warmer and the East much colder with record snow. The 33 degree poll shift will cause the polls to melt faster raising Ocean levels to heights never before by Humans. The South Poll will now be East of the current polar cap by about 1300 miles exposing it to extreme melting. The North poll is now going to see large areas of melting which combined with the South Poll melting will raise sea levels by up to 2.5 feet over the next 8 years. By 2027 sea levels could rise by 3.5 feet leaving NYC and Florida much like Venice Italy.

    • @Ron Nussbeck;
      “Pole-Shifting” refers to the reversal of earths magnetic polarity and has nothing to do with its rotational axis.

    • And yet, we haven’t seen this in the Northern Part of Earth. No poll shifts, no higher temps. The data, that is public, shows this and since these climate people are using the same models and data, I wish to understand how they may get this big shift upwards when the data suggests a downward shift in the past three years. The current data suggest, the same as was being viewed in the 50’s and 60’s (They were saying we were heading for an ice age then). So either prove your data (and release it for us to also study) or admit you are wrong. I say no more.

  • The earth warms between ice ages. There are too many humans for the planet to support, so global warming may result in fewer humans. It’s evolution at its best. Just because we understand it and are able to predict it doesn’t make it bad.

  • 312 spirit guardians from Jupiter will descend on the Poles and stabilze them from derotating the Age of Aquarius. New cosmic science of crystal magic proves the dark star passed Earth 70,000 years ago, bye-bye Proxima Centuri pi. All that remains is to unsheath the heart into the light of cosmic radiance of forever love.

  • Bullocks on the long awaited spike alf ogre the nobel prize winning gasbag was trumpeting this back in 2003!

  • I hope so and soon. Its 4 degrees in Chicago.
    November was freezing December kinda mild.
    January. Winter as normal in this area. COLD!!!!!!
    Everythings snow covered. In the 1970’s Some people, scientist’s enviromentalist’s
    etc etc… were telling everyone that oil was running out. That by 2005 or so the earth would be in a deep freeze. Glaciers everywhere. etc etc. In short the powers tha existed at the time were trying to convince us all the next ice age is coming. Now 40 years later its global warming. But I think the politically correct term is climate change. Does anyone but me smell B.S. here? the weather changes. Just like every thing else.
    And if indeed the poles shift and the ice melts in one spot, wont it correspondingly form in the spot where the new pole stabilizes? Heck I dont really know. I just know that in 5o years its been hot and cold on and off. some years are warmer in general. Some are colder. Sometimes the swings last decade or more. But the point is it always changes. Its the weather. Its the earth.
    And just like 40 years ago…. No Body Really Knows.

  • I’m freezing here, there’s snow all around me, and it’s going to be -4 tonight. Please tell me more about this spike. Will it really be warm? Please?

  • ROFL spike LOL winter to summer… gee I wonder how they figured that out…..and these dumb people are suppose to be smart…

  • Ok, when are we going to admit to each other that we live in a observer by observer line of sight simulation not a rotating ball. Yes, it is scary, but it is better to know and deal with it that to continue like idiots. I have a back pack leaf blower to which I affixed a triple vortex nozzle. If you run it on high and point it staright up in the air for 15 to 45 minutes, you will see adiabatic processes….in other words a giant hole in the 5000 to 7000 ft ceiling will open and the clouds will begin compacting in layers around the horizon. Always on the horizon no matter why you try it, the beach or the forest, always on the horizon. Why? CAUSE IT IS A GLITCH, THE ATMOSPHERE HAS NOT BEEN CODED FOR THIS TYPE OF INPUT…..try it, you won’t believe your eyes, and you shouldn’t….much love, Joseph

  • ” Mark Hedges” I’m ready to unsheath, how do i go about it?

  • If the average temperature is higher, there is more thermal energy to transfer into kinetic energy of storms, and more thermokinetic storm energy means greater extremes of temperature between winter and summer. Thus, winter will be increasingly destructive, but still perceptively cold on those individual days. The only argument here seems to be “yeah but it’s winter now so I don’t gotta worry about summer.” That’s not how thermodynamic systems work. More overall heat == more weather activity, hot and cold extremes. Until the ice melts, then it’s all hot all the time. The argument about carbon dioxide is simply a statistical observation that during periods of increased heat in the past, there has been an increased level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. There is no evidence the dinosaurs were building factories and billions of gas-powered cars belching out measurably quantities of carbon dioxide. So, if it is determined that the statistical relationship is explained that carbon dioxide traps heat and increases overall thermodynamic energy in the global weather system, then we can accurately and reasonably plan for dry hot summers and extreme winters in some areas, and other weather patterns in other areas, as the statistical models improve with better data.