Jay-Z and Beyonce “On The Run”?: How Their Tour Could Mean More in the Days Ahead

Rumors have been swirling for some time now that Jay-Z and Beyonce are going down a rocky path in their relationship – and that divorce is in the cards.

The couple has not taken to social media to say it (and we would not expect them to), but there are some things that seem out of place for the couple. According to new rumors, however, Jay-Z and Beyonce are not wearing their wedding rings, and marriage counselors have accompanied them to their “On the Run” Tour in order to help bring back what was once a spark in their marriage.

For many, their marriage has been about power anyway: she is the Queen of Hip Hop, and Jay-Z is well-known, too, and Jay-Z has shown her the ropes of the business. Without him, it has been said, Beyonce could not and would not be who she is. Some have said that Jay-Z’s marriage to Beyonce has been the key to his soaring career.

We cannot get into this debate and argue who is right and who is wrong about the couple, but one thing is clear: their current On The Run Tour is all about saving face – and Beyonce has given fans a piece of evidence in this direction. From her Instagram account earlier today, Beyonce posted a picture of herself on Instagram, with the number “4” on a jersey that has “Carter” on the back of it. The photo looks designed and coached, as though Beyonce took it for the purpose of showing that she is still “a part of the team.” At the same time, however, it is clear that she is doing her very best to still the rumors that she and Jay-Z are headed for divorce, and that it is nothing more than a promotional smokescreen to keep fans from knowing the truth.

In most cases, it is likely not a wise thing to take to social media to send a message. Most individuals would likely make a speech to dispel rumors, or take to talk shows to say, “this is not true.” In Beyonce’s case, however, she decided to post a picture with a jersey on of herself – not a photo with husband Jay-Z and baby Ivy Blue, which would have sent an even greater message to the world that things were better than ever. Instead, she took to posting a picture of herself. Of course, both have been seen on Instagram in recent weeks looking as if all is well with the world.

Yes, Beyonce wants to send the message that she is still part of the Carter team. However, is it possible to remain part of a team that is breaking up, that is dissolving? Not really. The truth of the matter is that Beyonce’s new Instagram photo is designed to get us to see that she is still committed to her marriage.

And maybe she is. We would not doubt her sincerity at all. At the same time, however, we want Beyonce to know that she does not have to justify her marriage to us. Sure, a lot of fans want to know whether or not everything is “on the up and up” in the marriage, but we would say to them that it is not important what is going on in their marriage. It is between she and Jay-Z. If they work things out, that is all that matters. All. That. Matters.

And yet, what can be said about the photo? It is obvious that the photo is meant to answer the questions that have been in the news for some months now. But the fact of the matter is that, when a celebrity takes to social media to make a point, to get something out in the open, and so on, it looks desperate. It looks as if the celebrity has a point to prove with their fans that mandates they speak up and not remain silent.

Jay-Z and Beyonce’s “On The Run” Tour, we hope, does not allow them to remain “on the run” in their marriage. Sources have said that Jay-Z has hired marriage counselors to accompany the couple, in the hopes of bonding them while on tour at the moment. If so, it is a sign that something has gone wrong, that everything is not what it was at first. That may not be a bad thing; maybe they are coming to learn some truths about each other that they did not know at first. At the same time, however, if Jay-Z is hiring the marriage counselors, it is the case that he could have been the one to do something wrong. A source that has been speaking up in recent weeks says that it would not be a surprise if Jay-Z had been guilty of cheating on Beyonce with someone else. Hiring marriage counselors would be his way of saying, “I want us to be closer again, to get beyond my mistakes.”

And yet, let us not forget that both Jay-Z and Beyonce are on tour. The whole emphasis at this time is on promoting themselves, making the most of the promotion funding they have already received, reaching their fans, gaining new ones perhaps, and making a bold statement that they are still the heads of Hip Hop music. With that said, however, the Instagram photo seems to be more of a publicity stunt to quiet the rumors than it seems to be Beyonce making a genuine statement about her marriage to Jay-Z.

Is there something going on? We do not know. And yet, the fact that photos of the happy couple and this new jersey photo appeared today is a sign that they need to justify something to the rest of us. Why is that so? Because we believe that not all is well with the former Destiny’s Child star and her husband. Beyonce, if something is wrong, please straighten it out with Jay-Z. And do not feel the need to justify it to your fans. They either support you or not. If you and Jay-Z divorce because of his marital infidelity, and they stop following you, then they were never your fans to begin with. Just saying.

About the author

Nitin Agarwal

Nitin has a background in Electrical Engineering and is passionate about the Internet of Things. He covers how connected devices like smart homes, wearables, and industrial IoT are changing our daily lives. Nitin is also a DIY enthusiast and loves to build IoT gadgets.

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