John Carmack Opts Out of Meta Connect 2023: A Break in Tradition

Meta Connect 2023 is set to be a groundbreaking event, but it will lack one key element: a talk by John Carmack. The legendary game developer himself hinted at this absence on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter .

A Tradition Broken

For years, Carmack’s talks have been a staple at Meta Connect, formerly known as Oculus Connect. His insights into virtual reality (VR), game development, and technology have been eagerly awaited by attendees. This year, however, the stage will be empty of his presence. The reason for this change remains unclear, but it’s worth noting that Carmack quit his advisory role at Meta in December 2022.

The Man Behind the Legend

John Carmack is a titan in the tech industry. Known for co-founding id Software and contributing to iconic games like Doom and Quake, he later shifted his focus to VR. He spent nearly a decade guiding VR hardware efforts at Meta and its predecessor, Facebook/Oculus .

The Impact on Meta Connect

Carmack’s absence is sure to be felt at Meta Connect 2023. His talks often provided a deep dive into the technical aspects of VR, offering a unique perspective that is hard to replace. The event is still expected to showcase the latest advancements in VR and AR, but the lack of Carmack’s expertise could leave a noticeable gap.

What’s Next for Carmack?

While Carmack has left Meta, his influence on the tech world is far from over. He has been vocal about his views on the future of VR and the metaverse, even issuing words of warning for Meta’s ambitious plans. It remains to be seen where he will channel his talents next, but one thing is certain: the tech world will be watching.

Meta Connect 2023 will go on, but it will do so without one of its most iconic voices. The event is set to take place later this year, and while it will undoubtedly be packed with innovation and insights, John Carmack’s absence will mark a break in a long-standing tradition.

For more updates on Meta Connect 2023 and John Carmack, stay tuned.

Note: This article is based on the latest available information and will be updated as more details emerge.

About the author

William Johnson

William J. has a degree in Computer Graphics and is passionate about virtual and augmented reality. He explores the latest in VR and AR technologies, from gaming to industrial applications.