LHC SMASH! Blasting Protons at the speed of light & producing 13TeV

Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the largest atom smasher in the world, is busy smashing protons at an extremely high speed, a speed that is almost equal to the speed of light. Also, the LHC is constantly setting new records; for instance, it has produced the first set of public images in nearly two years. Here, it must be mentioned that the LHC is a 17 mile or 27.3 km long atom smasher.

The speed tests of the CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Large Hadron Collider have amazed nuclear energy fans and atomic scientists around the globe. The newly captured photographs, on the other hand, are allowing observers to witness jaw-dropping atomic fallout following the collisions.

(Image: ALICE)
(Image: ALICE)

A test carried out last week resulted in smashing of subatomic particles; the particles smashed into each other along the Switzerland-based underground corridor of CERN. The maximum energy levels of the LHC protons hit 13TeV (tera-electronvolts). For those who don’t know: an electronvolt is equivalent to the amount of energy gained by an electron after being accelerated by electricity of 1 volt.

The levels of energy touched during this latest test by CERN are nearly two times of the highest energy levels recorded previously. The previous record was set before the atom smasher underwent upgrades and repairs worth $150 million.

(Image: CMS)
(Image: CMS)

The particles resulting in the formation of the atomic energy are at least one-millionth of the width of a human hair. During the recent test, the speed of the Large Hadron Collider reached 100-1000 billion protons, which is a record. The collider works by using multiple powerful magnets that shoot protons along a ring-like object; this in turn creates powerful proton collisions.

CERN spent the last couple of years modifying its Hadron Collider. Before this upgrade, shooting of any ultra high-speed particle broke equipment and caused significant collateral damage.


The recent tests carried out by the researchers were planned for determining the right position for the collimators. The collimators are massive metal blocks used for shielding major equipment within the Large Hadron Collider.

The repair works, and equipment upgrades are finally over; the scientists associated with this CERN project are now ready to carry out atomic collisions of higher energy levels and thereby locate new subatomic particles.


About the author

Nitin Agarwal

Nitin has a background in Electrical Engineering and is passionate about the Internet of Things. He covers how connected devices like smart homes, wearables, and industrial IoT are changing our daily lives. Nitin is also a DIY enthusiast and loves to build IoT gadgets.

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