Lindsay Lohan’s claim she handled Whitney Houston’s body is a lie, says L.A morgue official

Lindsay Lohan claims she handled Whitney Houston’s body after the singer’s tragic death back in February, 2012.

Around that time, Lindsay happened to be working at the L.A County Morgue after the actress went against the judge’s orders and violated her probation, resulting in six months of community service from October 2011 to March 2012.

So it would make sense for Lindsay to make the claim that she was responsible for handling Whitney’s body seeing that Houston was delivered to the County Morgue after being found dead at the Beverly Hills Hilton Hotel, a day before the televised Grammys.

She would go on to explain that the six months that she was required to stay there were the worst months of her life, adding that certain things she was forced to do were “f**ked up and inappropriate” — such as handling the body of Whitney Houston.

Lohan, who is currently promoting her broadway play in London, tells the Telegraph: “It’s different for me than it would be for other people. Like, no one would really have to work at the morgue in LA and roll a body bag for Whitney Houston.”

28-year-old Lindsay caused quite a stir in the press when she revealed her alleged encounter with Whitney after she had died, which prompted an official at the L.A County to leave a statement of their own, setting the record straight that LiLo was nowhere near Whitney’s body.

According to officials, Lindsay never “came into contact with Houston’s remains, let alone the starlet herself,” adding that “a body bag wasn’t even used during the brief time Houston’s body was at the location”.
The deceased songstress spent less than 24 hours at the morgue after an autopsy was performed in the night. By the early hours, they had removed her body before Lindsay arrived for work.

This begs the question why Lohan would lie about such a sensitive subject. Perhaps she needed the attention in hopes to attract people to her forthcoming play in the UK.

The actress has yet to respond to the published article where she supposedly said she handled Whitney’s body, because as of right now, officials at L.A county have made her out to look like a liar.

About the author

Nitin Agarwal

Nitin has a background in Electrical Engineering and is passionate about the Internet of Things. He covers how connected devices like smart homes, wearables, and industrial IoT are changing our daily lives. Nitin is also a DIY enthusiast and loves to build IoT gadgets.

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