Sea level rapidly rising in the western pacific due to global warming: NASA

According to recent revelations made by NASA scientists, the consequences of the global rise in sea levels might be even more frightening than the worst predictions made by top climate models i.e. models that don’t justify fast breaking up of glaciers and ice sheets. What’s more significant is that sea level rise has already begun. As a result, for NASA scientists, the open question right now is at what pace the seas will be rising from now on.

At this moment, warming of seas and expansions of waters caused by it make up around a third of global sea level rise. According to Steve Nerem of the University of Colorado at Boulder, who happens to be the lead scientist of the Sea Level Change Team of NASA, when heat travels beneath the ocean, it starts expanding exactly like mercury of a thermometer.

Nerem informed that the other two-third of global sea level rise is taking place as a result of melting of mountain glaciers and ice sheets in Antarctica and Greenland.

Data gathered by a small group of NASA satellites has revealed that the overall mass of the ocean is increasing. These satellites keep on changing their position with respect to each other as ice and water on our planet realign affecting the force of gravity.

Nerem added that he increase in the ocean’s mass is eventually resulting in global sea level rise of around 0.07 inches or 1.9 millimeters every year.

However, the open question still remains the same i.e. at what speed the sea level is increasing.

University of California glaciologist Eric Rignot, who is also a scientist at the Pasadena-based Jet Propulsion Laboratory of NASA, said that ice sheets are making the process of sea level rise faster, much more than what was anticipated earlier.

According to Rignot, there’s such a remarkable difference between predictions and reality because we have never seen a massive ice sheet collapsing, and, therefore, there’s not a single good model showcasing effects of such collapses.

UN (United Nations) organization Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which performs the job of creating climate change models, previously predicted that if global warming persists unabated, the next century might see the sea levels rise by up to 6.4 meters or 21 feet.

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James Oliver

James is a tech-savvy journalist who specializes in consumer electronics. He holds a degree in Electrical Engineering and has a knack for dissecting gadgets to their core. Whether it's smartphones, wearables, or smart home devices, James has got it covered. In his free time, he enjoys mountain biking.


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  • I’m so glad you know more than 97% of the world’s scientists. And you can even come to your brilliant conclusions without purchasing any of their millions of dollars of measuring equipment, so you must be a genius.

    Plus you are so sympathetic to the plight of fossil fuel billionaires, which means you have tons of empathy.

    You have even changed the science of CO2. Have you published your findings in any scientific journals? We’re all waiting with bated breath to your new physics discoveries.

    Where did you get your science degree, the Google Moron University?

    • The link I posted on the rate of ocean rise is to a NOAA web site.

      Provide a paper or study (or more than one of you prefer) that proves by empirical evidence that humans ( primarily CO2 emissions) are the primary cause of global warming.

  • There is no issue is more important than climate change. We are affecting temperatures, climate patterns, sea levels, ocean acidity, and much more. The effects will last hundreds of years and affect many billions. Meanwhile most of the republicans in the U.S. Congress deny the reality. They reject what the world’s respected scientific institutions have been saying in favor of corporate fossil fuel interests or some political agenda. They put people and risk and should be sent home!

    Join the efforts to expose, confront, and replace them.

    • Effects lasting only hundreds of years? At this point we’ve got 400 parts per million CO2 in the atmosphere. Estimates suggest that we haven’t had those levels for the last 3 million years! We’re into this thing for at least tens of thousands of years; until there’s enough plant life to again soak up all that extra CO2.

      The changes we’ve made to the atmosphere are outrageous.

      • Yes! Hundreds of years may well accumulate into thousands unless we reverse the process. That will take a lot of reforestation, using sustainable energy sources, reducing our numbers, and quite possibly sequestering carbon from the atmosphere artificially.

  • Nerem added that he increase in the ocean’s mass is eventually
    resulting in global sea level rise of around 0.07 inches or 1.9
    millimeters every year.

    However, the open question still remains the same i.e. at what speed the sea level is increasing.

    HE just said 1.9 mm every year.

  • If the mentioned mass-change affects gravity, won’t that also affect the height of the geosynchronous-orbit zone? (e.g. raise it slightly… so orbits of the satellites currently in geosync would decay.)