Mark Zuckerberg sells himself as a simple man, and at his core, he very well could be a simple person. However, the lawsuit that alleges he backed out of a...
Tag - Facebook
Facebook wants to make it easier for friends to report potentially suicidal statuses and connect those individuals who might be considering self-harm with a...
Recently, Facebook decided to open up the post-death options for deceased user accounts that now allow you to designate an “executor” of your Facebook account...
Facebook has once again learned the hard way that it’s difficult to maintain a product with as many users as the social network has. In fact, the company had...
Sharing photos is now one of the most popular form of engagement today on the social media. The better the photo sharing features are, the more likely users...
Instagram may have just passed Twitter for number of users, but the social network isn’t stopping there when it comes to improvements. Overall, it has been a...
Facebook has been posed the question thousands of times, probably millions, regarding their intention to implement a “dislike button” on the social network...
The growth has been really amazing; within just nine months of announcing that it has reached 200 million users, the online photo and video sharing platform...
Facebook has finally begun tapping into their search power, and are finally giving users the opportunity to search by keyword. That means being able to find...
Facebook is working to challenge Google’s search engine by giving one of the most complete, and important updates to its search platform yet. The update to...